On the Plane

On the Plane

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today we had class in the morning. It was a really good day in class. We had some very good discussions about "love, abortion and government assistance". I Really like that we are able to have open conversations in class. What makes it more fun is that our teacher correct us in a nice way when we make mistakes with our Spanish.  Our second class we were given a lesson on accents. You see how I didn't say "I learned about accents". It is very complicated and not definitive. The have 4 rules but they always have at the end of the rule..."their can be exceptions to this rule."Makes things very confusing. Why can't it be just black or white, yes or no? This was a hard concept for me today.
After class we went on an hour long ride to SEGOVIA. I hate rode trips no matter how short they are. I always get car sick no matter what. This time was no exception. I got to Segovia feeling really sick to my stomach and din't care to see anything. Just wanted to lay down and rest. We walked over to a restaurant and had a Segovia delicacy "Cochinito" (baby pig). It was really good with a glass of Sangria but I could not think about the baby pig while I ate it because it was too sad. The baby pig is only 21days old when it is killed. I just kept telling myself it was a full grown pig that had a long life.

After lunch I felt better and was able to enjoy the beautiful sights of Segovia.  This is a very old city in Spain dating back to the 12th century. We went to "Alcazar of Segovia" this is a castle in this town where Queen Isabella lived. She is the Queen that supported Christopher Columbus's Sail to the new world. Our tour guide told us that  Disney World used this castle as a model for the castle they wanted built in Magic Kingdom. I told my friend Anna that I felt so emotional being their because it was where kings and queens lived long, long ago. So much history  in one place was amazing. There was a well in the garden of the castle. I drop in a coin and made a wish. I really hope it comes true. I was thinking about how much Ralph could have enjoyed seeing these kinds of things as well.
I took a lot of pics today 145 to be exact. I am a history junky and love to see and hear stories of the olden times. We also took photos of a really neat structure that is 15 kilometers long. It was used for the water system. I really like it because it looks like a roman structure with the high arches. Took some great pics of the castle from a lower part of the town. I bought a few souvenirs from a store and then we headed back to Madrid. I fell asleep this time but still got a little car sick. On the way home we saw a market set up next to Plaza de Espana. They said the market was going to stay up for an entire month. I am going to buy something from the market the last day I'm in Madrid. I need to make sure I have enough money while Im here.
We came home ate dinner from an Indian restaurant because we told Tania we were not going to make back in time for dinner. Now I am chatting with Ralph through instant message and getting ready for bed. Have a goodnight and Im counting down the days till I see US soil.

Cristina Ibarra

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